

大風吹,吹了兩天,從沒有間斷。我與T也病了兩天,是感冒。雖然身體軟弱,但不知是否風聲太厲害,叫我的心也平靜不來。想到從前,想到一些選擇的時刻。你有沒有想到在生命中,曾有一些獨特的時刻要你去選擇? 我想到年輕時到現在的三個片段。


另一個片段,自己本來沒有深刻的感受,但卻因為別人的提問,叫我想到這抉擇的重要性。到外國升學,兩所學院分別接受了我的報名。除了我選擇的San Francisco Art Institute,就是Columbia University。記得在SFAI時,我有位學士生朋友。他當時正準備報讀碩士課程。當他知道我曾有機會到哥倫比亞大學,他不停的問我為什麼?為什麼我不選哥倫比亞? 我從沒察覺這一選擇的重要性。是的,究竟為什麼?原因我是知道的,但若然我真的到了紐約,日子又會如何?




My last twenty something days. Last night, I though about the beginning of 2012. It was a sunny day. A month has almost passed and I feel heavy. It seems like I had lost the energy and excitement when the New Year first arrived. Was it because of busyness? Or was it because of my heart and mind was busy thinking? Let me try to write down what was on my mind…


羅馬尼亞人民上街…在首都布加勒斯特大學廣場…本來是就政府醫療政治而示威。過了幾天,人們懷的必然是更多不同的原因。新聞片段,想到他們的89 年。想到他們的89,就想到我的89…看到人的面容,心情重了。再深入的去想,我們上街發聲,為的是什麼?我說是,真真正正為的是什麼?過去也好,現在也 好。是為公義?還是為己身?想到主耶穌言論挑戰當時猶太人領袖,為的是什麼呢?是為上主的國度?現今世上,還有多少義人?還是我該從另一角度看。若在人的 面容找到對生命的熱情,不是該感動嗎?

The people of Romania got on the street to demonstrate… at the University Square in Bucharest… it all began with people showing their disagreement to the medical policy. And after few days, everyone had their own reason to be on the streets. Watching the news, thinking about their 1989. And from their 1989, I though about my 1989. Looking at the people’s faces, I felt not easy. Deeper thoughts… What is the reason we protest? I mean the real reason. No matter in the past or now. Is it for justice? Is it for righteousness? Or is it for our selfishness? I thought about Jesus. He challenged the Jewish leaders at that time for what? For God’s kingdom? How many righteous man left on earth now?  Or maybe I should think in another perspective. I should celebrate when I could see passion on people faces.


一天跟朋友討論對創新、對冒險的看法。我明白到人沒勇氣冒險、沒勇氣面對失敗是如何叫人洩氣的事。 但事事只求創新,而放棄了舊事、舊物價值,又不何嘗是叫人洩氣的?新和舊,不該是對立的。讓我以物件作比喻。我喜歡黑膠唱片多於mp3,喜歡菲林多於數碼 影像,我喜歡收信多於email。 但我的喜好沒有使我對新事物有所反抗,也不是因為我一味懷舊不願接受新事物。 相反我關注的是各媒體本身特性,了解它才能明白真正的價值。 新東西的出現,不是為取締舊有的,而是為創出更多的可能性。生活也是一樣。當人人追求方便、追求快、新。我的冒險精神,不就是在逆流中保存另種一生活節奏與模式?

I chat with my friend about the ideas of “new things” and “taking risk”. I understood how discouraging when people not dare to take risk and afraid of making mistake.  But if we only looking for the “new” and forget about the value of the “old”, this is also discouraging for me. “New” and “old” should never be against each other. Let me use “things” to be an example. I like record and not mp3. I prefer film than digital image. I like to read a letter more than an email. This does not mean that I am rejecting the “new things” or only indulge myself in the past. My concern is the uniqueness of each medium. Learning about each one of them so that I could understand their true value. “New things” is not meant to replace the old but to create possibility. In life, when people are chasing for the new and convenience way. I take the risk to go off the main stream, to protect another kind of lifestyle.


Joyce的賀年包裹中,有《天與地》全套。 兩星期,我把劇集看完了。劇有好有不夠好的地方,我無意在此多談。只想說它讓我想到我的城市,它曾是多麼的美麗獨特。現在呢?不是因為我離家短短一年半的 關係,而是我從不知什麼時候起,我對自己的城市早已感到陌生。題外話。不由自主的,我竟然想到家駒。你們呢?

Joyce sent me a Chinese New Year package. In the package, there is a video of a new TV drama from Hong Kong. I finished the whole show in two weeks. I am not trying to talk about the TV drama here. I just want to say that the show makes me think of my city, Hong Kong. It was once so beautiful and unique. And now? It is not because I have been away from home for 1 and a half-year, but I don’t know since when, I became a stranger of my city.



聖誕節,Titus給我買了DVD作禮物。是黑澤明的《酩酊天使》(1948)。收禮物時我笑不停,因他跟本不知那電影好不好看,也不知黑澤明是誰,如此勇敢的買了這DVD給對電影什是挑剔的我。看電影後他很是興奮。過了一星期,很心急的又要看書架上我的《七武士》 (1954) 。Titus說這導演已成為我最喜歡的了!


Director Theo Angelopoulos passed away on the 24th. Thank you so much for his films. Thank you for his images that touched my heart. And the music from his films were once flowing in the hallway of my university campus. Once I had a discussion with my friend,

questioning if there are still film master now days? We didn’t have a conclusion. I  felt that this era could not fit in a master any more.

Christmas, Titus bought me a DVD. Drunken Angel (1948) from Akira Kurosawa. I couldn’t stop laughing when I received his gift. Cos he had no idea if the film is good or not. And he had no idea who Kurosawa is. Titus was just too brave to buy a DVD as a gift for his wife who is so picky on film. He was so excited after watching the movie. And a week later, he couldn’t wait to see Seven Samurai (1954) in my collection. When the film ended, he said this director is now his favorite.

Does it really matter if there is still film master or not? It is good enough if there is something that could last eternal.



Finally jot down all my fragmented thoughts. They are not complete but I realize they are actually dots on the same line. Today, Titus and I went to Casino by the seaside. This building had been closed for years and we were surprise that it opened for public today. Decline and splendor came into my eye at the same time. Looking out of the window. The Black Sea is always gorgeous.

Oh, holy night, the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth

A powerful caroling evening at the International Cafe* last night. His presence filled up the place. I love every single one that have been coming to our coffee house. And I pray that they will understand this love.

昨晚於International Cafe*過了不平凡的一夜。這全因上主的同在。我愛每一位相識於Cafe的人,但願他們能體會這愛。