flashback 閃回


It is December already. This year passed especially fast. I only put down 5 pieces of life here. Since June, I didn’t have a chance to write anything at this place. My heart and soul were experiencing fullness of life.  I write very slow. When ever I tried to form a sentence in my head, the idea already changed. The following are flashback of the past few months. I am using images instead of text. But what they are presenting are only glimpses of reality.

七月July - DTS畢業 DTS Graduation

八月August 龔來訪 Kung's visit

八月August 我們登羅馬尼亞的山 We clambed the mountain in Romania

九月September 準備過冬 prepare for the Winter

十月October 母親來訪 Mom's visit

十一月November 上課 leadership course

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